Analysis, not paralysis.
A few years ago I drove in a snow flurry on the highway and saw nothing but snowflakes. Fortunately, there was the adequately named middle guardrail that led me home.
In a snow flurry, if not in blind flight, are also many website owners who have no idea how many people visit their site, let alone how much time they spend on it, or where they come from.
Henry Ford once said that half of his advertising budget was money thrown out the window, but he didn’t know which half. Thanks to digital tools, you know much more today: namely, which half you threw out of the window.
Digital interaction can be measured with various tools. There is not only Google Analytics. You can measure social interaction e.B. with Addthis, the success of email campaigns with Mailchimp’s software, the positioning of the competition and other website analyses can be seen e.B. on Alexa. A simpler analysis tool is Alyze. Entire analysis suites for search engine optimization offers e.B. Majestic SEO . And if you want to know something directly from the user, you hang a survey on the website.
Of course, this list of analysis tools is not exhaustive. Let’s not stick to Ford, but rather to Pareto. With 20% analysis (tools) you have 80% of the information…